• By Jeniffer Tubbs
  • Posted Friday, August 23, 2024

Child Support staff recognized for their services to local families

Child Support Services celebrated Child Support Awareness Month and their accomplishments from State Fiscal Year 2024 at Walnut Hall in beautiful Tanglewood Park on Thursday, August 22.

A total of $22,691,065.00 was collected, which was 99.89% of their goal for the year, ranking them 5th in the state for Total Collections. Child Support Services receives incentive funds from the federal office distributed through the state office based on their performance. These funds are reinvested into the program to improve service delivery to citizens and helps fund their many outreach efforts. A total of $471,388.00 was disbursed to the county in Child Support Incentive Funds in SFY 2024. This was an increase of $50,502.00 from last fiscal year.

To view photos from the event, visit: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBErUy

Top performers were recognized during the celebration:

  • Highest Total Collections = Bonnie Reynolds, Child Support Agent – $948,254.65
  • Highest Average Orders = Robin Ashburn, Child Support Agent – 25.17
  • Highest Average Paternities = Alicia Smith, Child Support Agent – 11.67
  • Highest Collection Rate = Tanisha Butler-Johnson, Child Support Agent – 72.14%
  • Highest Collection Rate Intergovernmental = Darren Jones, Child Support Agent – 63.20%
  • Highest Payment to Arrears = Tanisha Butler-Johnson, Child Support Agent – 74.58%
  • Highest Average Establishment Self-Assessment Score = Robin Ashburn, Child Support Agent – 96.23%
  • Highest Average Enforcement Self-Assessment Score = Team Dodson, Child Support Agent – 92.06%
  • Highest Average Intergovernmental Self-Assessment Score = Darren Jones, Child Support Agent – 99.70%
  • Perfect Medical Self-Assessment Score - Alicia Smith, Tarsha Ridges, Darren Jones, Jamie Tucker, Donald Wilson, Robin Ashburn, Angela White - Child Support Agents
  • Perfect Review & Adjustment Self-Assessment Score = Tarsha Ridges, Terry Andrews, Tabatha Croom, Tanisha Butler-Johnson, Qunique Morrison - Child Support Agents
  • Perfect 12-mo Expedited Self-Assessment Score = Jamie Tucker, Donald Wilson, Angela White - Child Support Agents
  • Highest Average 6-mo Expedited Self-Assessment Score = Angela White, Child Support Agent – 97.77%
  • Highest Average Enforcement Actions = Dana Jenkins, Child Support Agent – 208.50
  • Highest Average Case Management Actions - Angelique Jefferson, Office Assistant
  • Highest Average Customer Service Actions - Suzanne Harker, Office Assistant

The Supervisors recognized members of their units for going above and beyond the fiscal year:

  • MVP for Volunteering - Tabetha Croom and Latrice Wright, Child Support Agents
  • MVP for Teamwork - Jamilia Mitchell and Ayesha Bryan, Child Support Agents and Adrienne Turner, Office Assistant
  • MVP for Going Above and Beyond - Jewel Crews, Office Assistant
  • Stretch-N-Grow Award - Tiffany Chavis, Office Assistant
  • Rising Star Award - Heather Boles, Child Support Agent
  • Spreadsheet Guru Award - Danisha Espy, Child Support Agent
  • MVP for Collegiality - DeNorris Treadwell, Child Support Agent
  • The Leadership Team was recognized for their contributions during the fiscal year:
  • Excellence in Training and Mentoring - Laurie Garrison, Jessica Bolling, and Jessica Eckles - Senior Child Support Agents
  • MVP for Trainee Engagement - Erin Anderson, Senior Office Assistant
  • MVP for "Stretch-N-Grow" - Nereyda Valenzuela, Senior Child Support Agent and Tanya Douthit, Supervisor
  • Community Service and Outreach - Milton Williams, Supervisor
  • Customer Service - Carla Johnson, Supervisor
  • MVP for Collegiality - Cynthia Dodson, Supervisor
  • MVP for Encouraging Professional Development - Lisa Jones, Supervisor
  • Outstanding Leadership and Dedication to Child Support Services - Jennifer Tubbs, Division Director

Tanya Douthit was also presented with her 25 Years of Service Award from the Department of Health and Human Services.

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